Our Philosophy

Tekaaroa Adventist School is an institution owned and operated by the Seventh Day Adventist Church represented to the Board. We seek to provide education in harmony with the beliefs, values, lifestyle, and commitment of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

Tekaaroa Adventist School believes in the reality of God the Creator and that man was created perfect in God’s image. Man has fallen from his original perfection through sin. The ultimate aim of Christian Education is the restoration in man of the image of his creator through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and therefore the work of education and redemption are one.

The process of education involves the development of a set of values upon which all decisions depend. The purpose of the educational activities of the school is to provide opportunities for every student to achieve his or her maximum development intellectually, spiritually, socially, and physically.

The school motto “Education for Now and for Eternity” reflects both the dedication that our teachers give to Christian Education and the high standards we have set for our students and ourselves. It is the spirit in each activity of the school that teachers, students, parents, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church community have a strong relationship with each other and with God. We believe that with God’s leading, we prepare valued students, through Christian Education to become reliable citizens of this life and more so for the world to come. Christian Education begins in this life and will continue throughout eternity.


Based on the implications of Philosophy, Tekaaroa Adventist School has the following objectives expressed in terms of the four aspects of human development.


• To achieve academic excellence through cooperation rather than competition.

• To help each student to reach his/her potential.

• To demonstrate that all Essential Learning Area need to be seen from God’s point of view.


• To encourage the practice of good health principal.

• To give children the opportunity to learn skills that will be useful in later life, to foster physical development through all subject areas.


• To assist in giving to the student an awareness of the necessity of commitment to God.

• To demonstrate that the Christian Philosophy touches every area of life.

• To provide opportunities for students to participate in spiritual programs.


• To prepare students for responsible citizenship and leadership.

• To provide opportunities for students to have lasting friendships with other students and staff.

• To foster harmony by encouraging respect, love, and understanding for all people both within their own culture and cross-culturally.